Get Involved: Committees
Involvement is the key to maximizing the future opportunities of the Chamber SWLA and the SWLA Alliance Foundation. The skills, talents and experience of our members are vital to the future of Southwest Louisiana and utilized through our volunteer committee/council structure which has been designed to promote and fulfill our organizations’ missions.
Staff Liaison: Paula Ramsey, pramsey@allianceswla.org
Serves as hosts and hostesses for Chamber functions including ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings and Business After Hours. Also responsible for assisting with membership retention and outreach by making over 500 annual personal contacts to new and existing Chamber members to promote Chamber benefits and opportunities, relay Chamber involvement information, identify concerns and answer questions.
Business Development & Diversity Task Force
Staff Liaison: Eric Cormier, ecormier@allianceswla.org
Harnesses the professional economic development talent across the region, promoting the sharing of information, the development of common regional goals and activities which support the development of a globally competitive economy in Southwest Louisiana.
Environmental Affairs Committee
Staff Liaison: Portia Metoyer, pmetoyer@allianceswla.org
Explores the environmental issues and opportunities for businesses of all sizes across Southwest Louisiana, developing and implementing programming that is educational and supportive of pro-business environmental policies.
Golf Tournament
Staff Liaisons: Michelle McInnis, Paula Ramsey & Portia Metoyer
Coordinates all aspects of the annual golf tournament.
Governmental Affairs Committee
Staff Liaison: George Swift, gswift@allianceswla.org
Works with our professional public policy staff to monitor legislation and administrative policy at the federal, state and local level, recommending Chamber action as necessary to the Board of Directors. May also engage in the development of policy positions for the consideration of the Board of Directors and the membership of the Chamber SWLA. Will provide foundation of grassroots advocacy network. This committee will also monitor and promote the development of infrastructure necessary to sustain and improve the health of the business climate in Southwest Louisiana.
Leadership/Southwest Committee
Staff Liaison: Morgan Turpin, mturpin@allianceswla.org
Develops and directs the curriculum of Leadership/SWLA, a comprehensive nine-month program for middle managers and other professionals nominated by their companies and selected by the committee. Only open to Leadership Graduates.
Quality of Life Task Forces
Overall Chair: Celia Broussard of Southwest Call Center
Healthy Lifestyles - Jessica Duhon of Lake CHarles Memorial System
Bike Advocacy - John O’Donnell of Healthier SWLA
Choose Local - Erin Tucker Howle of Joseph’s Electric
Staff Liaison: Amanda White, awhite@allianceswla.org
Tackles projects to improve the quality of life in Southwest Louisiana
Small Business
Staff Liaison: Michelle McInnis, mmcinnis@allianceswla.org
Develops and implements programming to encourage small business growth across the five parishes of Southwest Louisiana, focusing particularly on the needs of Chamber SWLA members.
Technology Council
Staff Liaison: R.B. Smith, rsmith@allianceswla.org
Responsible for developing policies and programming which will provide the greater utilization of technologies in business growth and development as a cornerstone of regional economic development, both as an industry unto itself and as a tool for businesses of all sizes.
Women’s Business Network
Staff Liaison: Michelle McInnis, mmcinnis@allianceswla.org
Plans the quarterly Women’s Business Network lunches and annual awards luncheon.
Workforce Development / Education Committee
Staff Liaison: R.B. Smith, rsmith@allianceswla.org
Promotes and enhances workforce development and educational opportunities across Southwest Louisiana.